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Crucial Tournament Showdown 

Following a hard-fought 118-112 triumph over the Spurs, the Warriors gear up for a decisive In-Season Tournament face-off against the Kings. The game carries heightened significance, infusing the matchup with a playoff-esque intensity.

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Early Momentum Essential 

Stephen Curry stresses the imperative of a strong start against the Kings, recognizing the tournament's energy and the urgency to secure a victory that is pivotal for staying in contention.

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Familiar Competitive History 

Although not officially rivals, the Warriors and Kings share a competitive history, with Tuesday's game marking their 11th encounter since last season. Curry highlights the engaging narrative and entertainment value of their matchups, describing them as "fun basketball." 

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 Drawing parallels to a playoff atmosphere, Curry underscores the need for precise execution, with the familiarity of the Kings' playing style adding an intriguing layer to the competition.

Playoff-like Vibes 

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In a light-hearted manner, Curry deflects the notion of labeling the Kings as rivals, suggesting a whimsical need to consult a committee for a definition. Despite the playful tone, he acknowledges the competitiveness and challenges posed by the Kings. 

Curry's Humorous Take on Rivalry 

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Tournament Focus 

Regardless of the historical rivalry definition, Curry highlights the additional emphasis on the In-Season Tournament's outcome for the Warriors. This elevates the significance of the upcoming clash against the Kings, aligning with the team's aspirations.