The Adventures of Gypsy Rose Blanchard Outside the Headline

Gypsy Rose Blanchard, central to a notorious murder scheme, is set to be released after over seven years in prison. 

In July 2016, Gypsy, now 32, admitted second-degree murder, facing a 10-year sentence that captivated public attention.

The case inspired the Hulu series "The Act," shedding light on the complexity of Gypsy's life and the shocking events that transpired.

Gypsy's ex-boyfriend, Nicholas Godejohn, serves a life sentence for his involvement in the tragic event.

Experts speculate that Gypsy may have been a victim of Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a disturbing disorder involving fabricated symptoms.

Gypsy faced immense challenges, including forced wheelchair use and unnecessary medical procedures, stemming from false diagnoses by her mother.

The duo moved from Louisiana to Missouri, overcoming obstacles and garnering support, including charity trips and a specially designed home.

In June 2015, Gypsy orchestrated her mother's murder with Nicholas Godejohn, leading to their arrest days later. 

Surprisingly, Gypsy accepted a plea deal, testifying at Godejohn's trial and taking ownership of the murder plot, citing her mother's control.

Serving 85% of her sentence, Gypsy's early release on December 28 marks a step toward redemption, with an upcoming ebook, "Released: Conversations on the Eve of Freedom," set for January 9, 2024.